
Hypochlorous Acid - New Feature Pack Plus +


Get our standard Feature Pack bottles - 8oz, 4oz, and 2oz + a bonus bottle of 60mL e11ement X.

Safe for all ages and skin types. Spray on skin as often as needed - let air dry before applying other products.

e11ement can be used on:
• Acne prone skin
• Tattoos and piercings
• Eyelids and eyelashes
• Dry and Eczema prone skin
• Pre/post work out
• Hands
• Cuts and scrapes from shaving

 e11ement X is a spot treatment for: 

Angry Acne Prone Skin, Fussy Follicles & Problematic Pimples! From ingrown hairs, razor bumps, eye styes, and piercing bumps, to toe fungus and warts! e11ement X will be your "go-to" solution.

Ingredients: Water, Sodium Chloride, Hypochlorous Acid (0.015% e11ement) (0.09% e11ement X)

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